Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Long time no post

Hmm...I'm not sure how many are still checking out this blog, since I haven't posted in over a month. I'm going to try to post some stuff soon. I've actually got a lot of 'ukulele material I could be posting, but I really haven't had much time. What I'll do here is share some of what I could be posting and hopefully get around to some of these in the near future.

As my last post indicated, I have acquired a Kiwaya KTS-7, Compass Rose walnut tenor, and a mahogany National concert (all used). So I could possibly be reviewing these some day. The Compass Rose was a huge disappointment though, as it arrived to me with very high action and the supposed D-TAR pickup is actually just some unknown passive pickup. I kept it anyway figuring I'd fix up the action, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. The other two "new" ukes are both really nice.

So now I have 13 ukes in my possession. Truth be told, I pretty much only play a few of them these days. By far the most playing time goes to the William King LS-tenor. I also play the Bushman Baritone a little bit for the different sound. The Bluegrass cigar box also gets some occasional play as it sits in my office right now. The Kanile'a supersoprano is now tuned to ADF#B and once in a while I bust it out for some Schizophrenic Snowflakes (by Aldrine Guerrero). Other than that, I haven't played the other ones much other than a few courtesy playing time. So I think I'll need to thin the herd sometime before the winter.

I really would like to post some videos with the King tenor and perhaps do some commentary on it, so that's probably the first new thing I'll post on this blog. Not sure when I'll get around to it, but hopefully not too long from now.

I'll try to get a lineup update picture in sometime and also rank them all.

Despite already having too many ukes, I still have a few custom ones on order. The Glyph mezzo-soprano is scheduled to be built in a year and a half, so that's a long ways off. The Kepasa Gypsy Rose was supposed to be completed this past March. It is now July and I have not heard from Kevin Crossett about it for 3 months, so I'm not expecting to ever see it. That's fine with me as I already have too many ukes. It's a good thing there was never any deposit involved for this uke. I had also ordered a Santo reproduction soprano from Mike DaSilva a couple of months ago. I'm not sure when that's going to be done, but perhaps September or October. So that's what's coming (or not coming, in the case of the Kepasa) in the future.

Anyway, that's the plan for now. I hope to at least get around to some of these. If you're still reading this blog, thank you very much.


  1. My Kepasa is gonna be shipped to me this Friday I think. I got pictures after I sent a "I'm just curious" email. I will have it to take to Windy City Uke Fest- if all goes well! ---Ukester Brown

  2. Ukester Brown-Looks like I should send such a "just curious" email too huh? Thanks for the update. I hope you enjoy the new uke!
